Accell Group is een beursgenoteerde, internationaal opererende onderneming die zich richt op de midden- en hogere segmenten van de markt voor (elektrische) fietsen en fietsonderdelen. De onderneming is marktleider in Europa. Bekende merken zijn o.a. Haibike, Winora, Sparta, Batavus, Lapierre, Tunturi, Raleigh, Koga, Ghost, Babboe en XLC.
Op drie verschillende momenten gedurende de periode 2019 – 2021 ben ik door Accell Global ingehuurd als interim SEO Specialist en Projectleider. Accell bevond zich in een periode van digitale transitie en realiseerde zich dat veel van de huidige online traffic afkomstig was van één kanaal (SEO), maar dat alle merken zelfstandig opereerden via een eigen strategie en eigen platform. Hier waren nog vele synergie- en schaalvoordelen te behalen.
Belangrijkste taken:
“You rarely hire someone external who is so dedicated like Rosanne. I had the pleasure of working with her on two website migrations for some of our key brands where Rosanne took the leading role. I’ve seen Rosanne go above and beyond in assuring a successful SEO migration under a very tight deadline. I was particularly impressed by the passion she showed, always acting as if it was her own company and brands. Her ability to command a room and get people on board with her ideas was unlike any I’ve seen before.”
"I had the pleasure of working with Rosanne on the migrations of, and Lapierre's sites and wholly vouch for her expertise and professionalism. With a broad and in-depth knowledge of search and digital marketing as well as analytics she has an enviable skill set that would undoubtably benefit any businesses in their online marketing. Rosanne has a meticulous approach along with the dedication, tenacity and drive to successfully take a project from inception to realisation. This combination of work ethic and knowledge paired with a generous and warm nature makes her a real asset who would make a valuable contribution to any team lucky enough to work with her. Thanks Rosanne!"